Dr. Gore has published scientific papers and books on Detection Pain Generators, Endoscopic Stitch less Spine Surgery under Local Anesthesia and Many More...

Dr. Satishchandra Gore’s evolving Philosophy is based on SCIENCE.
Most of the clinicians are taught how to choose a patient needing surgery but most do NOT know how to diagnose pain? Dr. Gore has been instrumental in spreading SAFE method of spine surgery throughout the world highlighting diagnosis and he has written and published in International Journals. These papers are based on his vast experience of 40years of analysis of pain generators and treating them effectively so that patients can lead a pain free life.
All his books are available for free online reading at You may buy in hard copy on
Dr. Satishchandra Gore , Smruti Gore
International Journal of Engineering Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 ||Volume 5 Issue 12|| December 2016 || PP. 01-03
2. Sciatica: Detection and Confirmation by New method
Dr. Satishchandra Gore and Sunil Nadkarni
International Journal of Spine Surgery January 2014, 8 15; DOI:
3. New emerging Gore Matrix: Basis of stitchless spine surgery under local anesthesia
Dr. Satishchandra Gore
J Orthop Allied Sci 2017; 5:1-5. |
Dr. Satishchandra Gore and Anthony Yeung
Int J Spine Surg 2014, 8 () |
Dr. Sunil Nadkarni, Dr. Pavankumar Kohli, Dr. Satishchandra Gore , Dr. Bhupesh Patel
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) | e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 15, Issue 10 Ver. IV (October. 2016), PP 52-57 |
6. Lumbar Canal Stenosis treated by Transforaminal Endo Access
Dr. Satishchandra Gore
Chapter written in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons of India Journal
7. Endoscopic Foraminal Decompression for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome under Local Anesthesia
Anthony Yeung MD, Dr. Satishchandra Gore MD
Anthony Yeung, Dr. Satishchandra Gore
International Journal of Spine Surgery January 2014, 8 23 |
9. LUMBAR facet denervation for degenerative symptomatic functional spinal unit: Overview
Dr. Satishchandra Gore
J Orthop Allied Sci 2018;6, Suppl S1:8-12 |
Sreedharan Namboothiri PE, Dr. Satishchandra Gore, and Poorana Raja
J Spine S7:008.doi:10.4172/2165-7939.S7-008
Dr. Satishchandra Gore, Sunil M Nadkarni, Sumeet Kautik Sonawane, Pawankumar Kohli, Muralidhar Varunjikar
Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique 2018; 3(2): 47-51.
Published online: December 31, 2018
Sunil M Nadkarni, Pavankumar Kohli, Bhupesh Patel, Satishchandra Gore, Bhagyashree S Kulkarni
Indian Journal of orthopaedics. 2017 Nov-Dec; 51(6): 653–657.
Sreedharan Namboothiri, Satishchandra Gore and Ganesh Veerasekhar
International Journal of Spine Surgery June 2018, 12 (3) 388-392; DOI:
16. Dervan simultaneous surgical protocol complete relief of lower limb neuralgic & arthritic pain
Pavankumar Kohli, Sunil Nadkarni, Sushant Chavan, Ankush Nawale, Poorv Patel, Ashok Mali and Satishchandra Gore
Know more about Dr. Satishchandra Gore’s research
A few of the publications are uploaded on above link.
The other publications include:
17. In-vivo endoscopic visualization of patho-anatomy in symptomatic degenerative conditions of the lumbar spine II: intradiscal, foraminal, and central canal decompression
AT Yeung, S Gore
December 2012, Surg Technol Int 21 (3), 299-319
18. Evolving methodology in treating discogenic back pain by Selective Endoscopic Discectomy (SED) and thermal annuloplasty
AT Yeung, SR Gore
December 2001, J Minimally Invasive Spinal Tech 1 (1), 8-16
19. Identifying sources of discogenic pain
SR Gore , AT Yeung
2003, Jour Minimally Invasive Spinal Technique 3 (1), 21-4
20.21.22 Frontiers in Neurosurgery Chapters – 3 video Chapters
AT Yeung, SR Gore
To Consult Dr. Satishchandra Gore please Contact Us.
Latest publications in association with colleagues
- The value of cross legged sitting: Virtue or vice for health.A review from sports medicine, physiology and yoga.Implications in joint arthroplasty. LINK here
- Dervan simultaneous surgical protocol complete relief of lower limb neuralgic & arthritic pain Link Here
- Emerging Evidence for Newer Approaches to Sports & Exercise: Tools for Man Making & Nation Building Link Here
- Percutaneous Endoscopic Cervical Discectomy with insertion of Platelet Rich Fibrin (Derwan) plug Link Here
- Dervan dermatome syndrome often missed but surprisingly common coexistent spine pathology in ‘Knee Pain’, ignore at your own risk Link here
- Endoscopic Decompression Can Be Effective for Diagnosing and Treating Tubercular Spondylodiskitis with Early Epidural Spinal Compression: A Retrospective Study of 18 Cases LINK here
- Philosophy and Basis of PELD
- January 2018 DOI:
- In book: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
- lumbar canal stenosis treated by Transforaminal Endoscopic access
- January 2018, DOI: 10.5005/jp/books/14205_16
- In book: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery